Contribute to our library of self-taped monologues and testimonials about the dangers of Destructive Driving.

We encourage anyone who is interested in performing one of the monologues to contact or send to us at

Be a part of the change!

We are calling on actors and other talented influencers and creatives to join forces to elevate this issue and motivate the public to wake up to the risks of destructive driving.

Produce your own PSAs and monologues to spread the word!

Do your part by avoiding phone use in the car and encouraging your friends to do the same.

We are also empowering people to take action!

Sign our petition to the Secretary of Transportation and White House Domestic Policy Adviser asking the federal government to take immediate steps to eliminate distracted driving.

Because lost lives and broken hearts are more than mere distractions.

  • This problem won’t be solved in a day, but starting now will help the future.

  • It’s important to get people involved in this topic before something tragic happens to one of their loved ones.

Distracted Driving is

Destructive Driving

  • Distracted driving causes so many preventable accidents, injuries, and unfortunate deaths.

  • Cut your talk time drastically. We can avoid car crashes by putting down the phone.